Current Events – Round Rock One Family This site used to belong to a Christian Nationalist PAC who wanted to ruin your kids' educations and make them suffer emotionally and educationally while lining their own pockets. Fri, 14 Feb 2025 16:19:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Current Events – Round Rock One Family 32 32 Mary Bone and Danielle Weston subpoena’d re: Vanessa Ruiz and Jeremy Story Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:10:54 +0000 We have obtained copies of subpoenas to be served to disgraced ex-Round Rock ISD trustees Danielle Weston and Mary Bone, which seek their communications with Round Rock One Family co-founder / pole-dancer-in-training Jeremy Story and Vanessa Ruiz, who assisted Round Rock One Family’s Orlando Salinas in using a forged letter to try to unlawfully influence the 2022 election cycle.

Simply put, the subpoenas seek, among others, confirmation that Danielle Weston and Mary Bone unlawfully assisted Jeremy Story and Vanessa Ruiz using both district resources and information they were only privy to by virtue of their positions as elected officials in order to advance their causes.

It is already public knowledge that Danielle Weston, in violation of Texas law and with reckless disregard for both her previous state and military training, destroyed or failed to retain text messages for the year 2021. In some since-retrieved messages, she repeatedly conducted district business, solicited advice from TEA officials, and conspired with Jeffrey Cottrill, the former director of governance and accountability at TEA. When confronted with an official grievance and proof beyond a reasonable doubt that she had deliberately refused to turn over government records, Weston admitted on the record that she knowingly and willingly broke Texas law regarding records retention (see below).

As such, should former Trustee Weston turn over any text messages from 2021, regardless of counterparty, this would mean that she lied on an official government record. As her confession was part of an official proceeding, her previous admission of destruction of government records would then be proven to be a lie, at which point she could face charges of destruction of or impairment of access to government records with intent to deceive the both the custodian of records and the requestor. Per Texas Penal Code 37.10, Weston could then face second-degree felony charges for her self-admitted actions.

She would also have further broken state law regarding records retention and should face prosecution for any applicable violations, up to and including perjury and destruction of government records during the commission of a crime, both of which constitute official misconduct and would have immense consequences on her professional and political careers going forward.

It should be noted that the current owners of this site, who are not affiliated with the now-apparently-defunct Round Rock One Family PAC, will gladly turn over or publicize any and all materials in their possession relating to this matter, Jeremy Story, Danielle Weston, Mary Bone, or Vanessa Ruiz in an effort to see justice done, up to and including items from PIA requests to law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, and regulatory entities.

The subpoenas are below. Per Texas Government Code – and out of courtesy that they and their friends don’t extend to others – their home addresses have been redacted.



Jeremy Story ousted from RROF board in secretive meeting Sun, 14 Jan 2024 19:39:54 +0000 Multiple sources have confirmed that Jeremy Story, co-founder of Round Rock One Family and vexatious litigant, was removed from his RROF board position in a board meeting on January 12th, after what appears to be an internal power struggle over finances. This comes immediately before January campaign finance reports are due (January 16th), and due to this and other actions the PAC has taken, it is possible that the group seeks to dissolve itself and reform under a new name before the 2024 election season.

The meeting occurred on the night of January 12th, and leaders Jennifer White and Lisa Lusby ejected Story from the group, only to replace him with loyalist allies.

Losing 2022 RRISD board candidate Jill Farris and Christina Cooper took his place on the board. While Farris is known for having stolen $34,000 and taken deferred adjudication (without restitution) and failing to disclose that on her candidacy paperwork, Cooper’s role with Round Rock One Family is more nebulous. Documents obtained from an investigator show that latter submitted TPIA 2023-258 in an effort to find out if any board members had e-mails with the words “Satanic Temple” in them. However, as Jennifer White paid for that PIA request with a Round Rock One Family card that was tied to their PO box’s address, it was clear that Cooper submitted it at RROF’s request.

More to come as events develop.
