Uncategorized – Round Rock One Family https://www.roundrockonefamily.com This site used to belong to a Christian Nationalist PAC who wanted to ruin your kids' educations and make them suffer emotionally and educationally while lining their own pockets. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:24:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.roundrockonefamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/12-red-star-png-image-150x150.png Uncategorized – Round Rock One Family https://www.roundrockonefamily.com 32 32 Round Rock ISD trustees Danielle Weston and Mary Bone called to return donations from PAC associated with white supremacists, Holocaust deniers, and the Round Rock One Family PAC https://www.roundrockonefamily.com/2023/12/04/round-rock-isd-trustees-called-to-return-donations-from-pac-associated-with-white-supremacists-and-holocaust-deniers/ Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:14:58 +0000 https://www.roundrockonefamily.com/?p=236 Danielle Weston and Mary Bone received a total of $31,000 on December 13, 2021 from the infamous oil-billionaire Christian Dominionist PAC “Defend Texas Liberty,” which has been exposed recently as having ties to not just Nick Fuentes, noted white supremacist and Holocaust denier, but to multiple white supremacists.

Defend Texas Liberty is also known for being funded by the same group of Dominionists who fund the Texas Scorecard and Michael Quinn Sullivan – the two west Texas oil billionaires, Farris Wilks & Tim Dunn.


Those donations were made not even a fortnight after Jeremy Story – half of the founders and leadership of the Round Rock One Family PAC – led a rally in front of the Hopewell School, which was the first school for African-Americans in Round Rock. This rally had Allen West, who committed war crimes in Iraq, speaking against five of the boardmembers and the Round Rock ISD Police Department. It was covered by the Texas Scorecard, who Weston had been communicating with in secret, and the Scorecard did a fairly in-depth (though very biased) job covering it.

However, their photographer conveniently refused to photograph the individual to Allen West’s left flying the Confederate flag. One also wonders if that’s Jeremy next to him. At no point during the event or afterwards was this individual asked to leave or his action, speech, and flag repudiated or condemned by Story, West, Weston, or Bone. In fact, given the time frame of the donation and how both the Scorecard and these individuals are linked, one wonders their tolerance and implicit acceptance of that individual’s presence is the core reason they received the donations from Defend Texas Liberty in the first place.

From July to September 2022, we see that Weston donates $9,200 from her war chest to the Round Rock One Family PAC – meaning her friend Jeremy Story received a substantial donation consisting almost entirely of white supremacist and Holocaust-denial money.

Mary Bone, too, donated $6,000 of white supremacist money to her associates in the Round Rock One Family PAC.

So, we have to ask:

  • Why did Weston and Bone think that taking money from this PAC was okay?
  • Why didn’t Weston and Bone publicly repudiate, condemn, or otherwise disassociate themselves from the individuals in the above picture?
  • Why haven’t Weston and Bone returned the money they took from Defend Texas Liberty?
  • What did Jeremy Story, Jennifer White, and Lisa Lusby (the Round Rock One Family PAC treasurer) do with this money, and why didn’t they return it when they knew it came from Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis?


NOTE: In a previous revision of this post, we printed an incorrect name for the RROF treasurer. This individual is Lisa Lusby, a member of the Round Rock Parent Coalition. We sincerely apologize to the incorrectly-named individual for our earlier error, and we have both updated this post and taken steps to prevent possible future reoccurrences.

Round Rock One Family: Just a Giant Scam https://www.roundrockonefamily.com/2023/10/21/round-rock-one-family-just-a-giant-scam/ Sat, 21 Oct 2023 13:18:05 +0000 https://www.roundrockonefamily.com/?p=62 Jeremy Story, Jennifer White, and their #hateslate thought that deleting their PAC’s website and social media presence would cover up their actions during the 2022 election cycle, including pushing a forged letter that any idiot would know was fake.

They even supported Round Rock ISD trustees Danielle Weston and Mary Bone, who take donations from organizations working with white supremacists.

Unfortunately for them, trying to delete everything was a very bad idea.

More to come.
